World of pewter figures Katzelsdorf
The world in miniature
The pewter figurine world Katzelsdorf is a family museum of a special kind. What used to be toys is now a coveted collector's item. On an exhibition area of 1,200 m2 (40,000 figures), historical sequences, fairy tales, film actors, old toys and much more are presented. The fascination of handcrafted miniature at the highest level enchants young and old. By looking intensively, one is drawn into the small world.
Not every pewter figure is a pewter soldier! The world of pewter figures is far more multifaceted. It is aimed at passionate collectors and enthusiasts, interested laymen and all those who are enthusiastic about the historical and cultural-historical themes of the region. Last but not least, it is also aimed at children, as pewter figures were originally used as toys.
The nearly 40,000 pewter figures on display - some presented as individual figures, others composed into scenes or arranged in dioramas - come from all periods of history. On guided tours, you can look over the shoulder of the master pewter figure caster. Other activities, such as the painting of pewter figures, the construction of displays or tabletop games, can also be experienced in the pewter figure world on Sundays from 2 to 5 pm.
Drop-off point for buses in the immediate vicinity of the museum, ample parking available, barrier-free, dogs welcome, Niederösterreich-Card operation